k, thats right when you come into the house. full kitchen. nice kitchen, lots of room. everything you need, right across you got the living area. its fine, but nothing to amazing.
second door on the right hand side, you will find the bathroom with the nicest shower. I love taking a shower here. its tremendous.
and thats my room, my bed is the left one! YAY. beautiful
you see that picture on the wall, this is one amazing picture, Jon Mozo, he pretty much takes the best pictures. LOVE IT!!!. just google him and find out about it. JON MOZO rocks. his son works with me at Luau (the place that I work, duh!)
i just hope that all of my roommates will work hard to keep this place clean so that future pps like me will appreciate it too.
you are such a nerd, i swear
Chowder, can u just be nice! please... mahalo nui loa
no remeber wolfgang you say mahalo nui lua. haha. anyway i gree with josi, you are a nerd, but thats ok nerds are fun.
Hey your verifier say happa. How funny. You are only happa nerd. You're also a happa camper.
The situation with student housing here in Laie leaves even a mediocre house absolutely tremendous. It's the happiest (happaist) place on earth to live and the saddest place on earth to live.
But I'm glad you found such a lovely place to shower.
And my husband and I went to BYU-H with Jon Mozo. He's da bomb. I remember the day he got attacked by a shark. We were all so worried. And I'll never forget the day he died. It was right before Valentines day. My daughter was doing singing telegrams for with her choir group. They went around and got people to buy the telegram before Valentines. Each person who bought one had to write a little love letter on a heart and then on Valentines day someone in the choir would deliver it with a song and a big ole sugar cookie.
Jon bought one for his wife. He wrote a love note and everything. But by the time it was delivered he was gone.
Can you imagine your husband dying and then a few days later you get a love note from him.
Very poetic.
Anyway, tell Jon's son that we all miss him and thought he was da bomb.
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