I knew there was a car behind me. SO, immediately I pushed my bike to the side and I jumped up and moved to the side. The car stopped and asked if I was okay. I replied, "I can stand, I live, I'm fine." at this moment I was in shock. I was like. WOW, what happened. OH MY GOSH.
So, I check out my body, and see that my shorts are ripped and my nice banana republic t-shirt has a hole in it. (RAR I was so sad about my clothes, I'm more sad about my clothes than my bike and my body) I hit the ground pretty hard, and so my right arm is scratched and my right love handle has a massive bruise too. I'm grateful that my face didn't get any scratches. And my bike got scratches all over too.
thats my right love handle, couple days after.
Anyway, some girls that live right there, came out and helped me and gave me some stuff to take care for my wounds. I also called up Jaimie and she took care of me REALLY good. While cleaning out the wounds, it was burning, I hated it. Lucky that I didn't break any bones. the way I fell I'm pretty sure it could have ended up worse than it was.
Oh my gosh dude. What the hell you're doing. But sorry, I couldn't resist it. I had to laugh so much when I read your story. Of course I know you're gonna be alright. You survived way worse things. :)
have a nice day and I hope you'll be fine in a couple of days.
OMGOSH! I was totally laughing because apparently I have no feelings. But then I saw the bruises on your right love handle (which totally cracked me up that you called it that) and now I feel bad for laughing.
Am I a bad person?
hee hee
'crash test dummy' you are not a bad person, and apology accepted.
its okay everybody can laugh about my crazy bike accident.
Seriously wolfgang you NEED to update your blog RIGHT NOW because I keep checking and you are SLACKING. Don't slack. That's my job.
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